BitcoinJ 05 Create Watching Wallet En

Notice/Hinweis: this article is available in German as well, please follow this link to BitcoinJ 05 Watching Wallet.

One aspect regarding Bitcoin wallets is interesting – some wallets are „watching wallets“. They do works as regular ones do – they are showing transactions and have balances. Just one (important) part is missing and that are the Private Keys. For that reason we cannot make any payments with these wallets so they are perfect for demonstrating purposes.

On the official BitcoinJ Website you find some information about the process of converting a wallet but in detail you will find that the created wallet does not word as expected.

The following program converts an existing wallet without any more input of the user. The converted file(name) is created by adding of a „W“ at the end of the name (for example: filenameFullWallet = „bitcoinj02createwallet.wallet“ will be converted to filenameWatchingWallet = „bitcoinj02createwalletW.wallet“).

Just two important notices: you have to delete existing Watching Wallet files by hand (you will get a notice) and you need an online access during converting – this step lasts between 1 and 3 minutes so please be patient with the software.

To use this programs you need several external libraries – they are all accessible from my Github-Repository

This is the shortened output on the console; the full outputs are available on my Github-Repository for BitcoinJ: Github-Repository.


Console (shortened):


You can find all codes to Bitcoin in my Github-Repository for download, please follow the link: All programs are runnable with Java 11 (eventually with Java 8) as well and got developed with intelliJ IDEA.

Last edit: 15.03.2020